Here you are in this moment of you. Leading up to this moment you have created this person of who you are. You listened to others, the limiting voices in your head and you patterned yourself in a safe world. A world of going through the motions to survive. So, now what…..
How can you become the vision of what you want for your extraordinary life? That abundant life, of the joyful emotions, the experiences, the riches of what you want in your life.
Remember when you were a child, and someone asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up. The answer was normally quick and without much thought. A fireman, a ballet dancer, a doctor…. It was the innocent answer not bound by responsibilities, fear, or others influences. As life went on outside forces started pulling us to a different path. Whispering in our ear to be this other person. The person that could not be that innocent child’s dream. Responsibilities took priority and led us to places because we had to. We became good at staying in our lane. Staying in a job to pay bills, staying with a spouse for the kids, staying in the normal because it was safer but, these were not what our dreams were built on. This was not the life that you envisioned. These were the notions of others or what we thought we were good at. The child became the adult not through their own design but, through the design of other influences. Then we got stuck in the pattern of the us that we were not meant to be. The life that we thought of as a child. Now we think there is no way out and that we must just go along and survive. Not live the life that we want.
Here we are dreaming of that life unattainable and living in disappointment. Doing the “have to” because it is what is safe but, does not fill our souls with joy. Doing the job, living in a worthless relationship or scraping buy to live a normal life. There is abundance for you to take hold of. You have to start to create a more joyful you. How do we do that? We must first turn off the limiting voices, understand we created this world we live in, and take in each moment small steps to fulfill our inner child’s dream.
When you take away the voices of others and your programed answer, what does the inner child say in you? Yes, you are an adult, you have to pay bills and be that provider but, what if someone asked you in this moment “What do you want to be when you grow up”? Who answers that question? The adult that hears the voices of stay on the safe path that you have created or the adult free of those voices that wants to live their life as they have always wanted?
When you came into this world you were given this perfect shell to go and create whatever you wanted but, because of the choices we made and the voices we listened to, we created someone totally different from our original dream. Your dream might be a little more defined than a child’s answer but, it is still your dream. What are the things in your world that make you smile (naturally), that make you laugh (uncontrollably) and make you cry (joyfully)? There is where your dream lies. It lies in those moments. You must create more of those natural joyful moments. Those moments are your dreams. Who you want to become is filled with those moments. So, look into them and see who you are meant to be instead of who you were told to be.
There was a modern-day philosopher named Alan Watts who said: “You create you in each moment. In the past it was this moment and you created you in that moment. If you take the responsibility for who you are and who you created in those moments, you cannot blame anyone else for you. If you understand that you are creating your world with each moment, it is the birth of responsibility. If you take responsibility that you created you, it gives you the power to create whatever you want. The beauty of it all is “It Starts Now”. In this very moment you can create you. You can start NOW. It is never too late, and you are never too stuck.
Before you can go back to the innocent child voice, you must first accept that you created you to this current moment. You are here not because someone told you to or that you had unfortunate luck. You are here because you are, and your choices have led you here. Now others may have whispered in your ear but, you listened. Now, do not take this as a time for pity on yourself. Think of it as look where I can go if I have such power. This is in your power to create your dream starting Now.
Now that you know you are your creation and you can create this future dream of you, what’s next? Look into what that dream is by focusing on the joyful moments. Then look into how to create those moments more often. What can you become to live a life where you are the happiest? Listen to yourself instead of others. Take away the negative voices in your head about staying in the safe lane. Let the dreamer awaken through your inner child. Being an adult does not mean you lose your innocence. You use it to show you the way. Meditate, reflect and journal who you want to be when you grow up in your adult world. Then take small steps in each moment to remind yourself of your dream and to plan your creations. Each moment you make your new choices around your dream. When you do this each moment you will bring yourself one step closer to your life of abundance.
So, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”