Abundance is what we all look to achieve in our lives. It is the pinnacle of our existence. It is an overflowing of all of life’s joys. It can be love, happiness, self-worth, appreciation, affection, purpose, belonging, and even money. It is whatever you want out of life. Even money can be a good thing if you use it properly. Spending to help you fulfil your joy but, not to just accumulate stuff. Joy does not come in the form of stuff. It is what fills your soul up with more than enough so, you can share the leftovers. If you have an abundance of love you are full and you can share it to others. If you have more than enough money you can give to the needy. On the other hand, an abundance of stuff is just clutter and not fulfilling. If you have too much stuff your house is full but, you are empty. Sometimes we accumulate stuff to fill what we lack internally. The worthy abundance that fills you internally will bring you long term joy. Stuff is short term. Abundance is about fulling your internal long term need and then be able to share it. Abundance is about you filling up your tank first then sharing your overage to the world. Before we can achieve this abundance of our joy we must first look to see if you are ready for it, know that you deserve it and willing to share the excess.

Are you ready for your abundance? I am sure you are saying “heck yeah”! But, are you? There are too many stories of people who win a lottery of a million dollars or athletes getting a big pay day but, lose all their wealth is just a few years. The reason is they were not ready. They were still lacking something they needed inside and tried to fill it with stuff. At the end of the day the stuff lost value and they still lacked what they needed internally. They used stuff to buy love, appreciation or happiness. It does not work, and you are usually left where you started. True abundance comes in and stays when you are internally ready for it. You must have enough selflove, self-worth, and happiness before you can overflow. It is easier said than done. Even with money you must first have all these internal factors before you can be ready for the excess. If you do not you will try using that money to fill it. If you do not have enough selflove you will try to fill it with dependencies. If you do not have enough self-worth you will hide behind others. If you do not have enough happiness you will seek the drama. You can’t overflow in those cases. Prepare yourself for the abundance by, loving yourself, know that you are worthy, and happiness is in everything in your world all the time. You will be ready for the abundance to come in. You will be prepared so; you will not lose it ever. It is a blessing and appreciated but not needed. Because you are good either way. Then watch what happens.

You deserve abundance. Know in your heart and soul when the abundance of your joy comes to you that you deserve it. That does not mean take the overflow for granted but, what it does mean you are worthy for it. Do not look as the joy as a punishment. It is not a burden it is a blessing to be cherished and nurtured. We are told so many times in our life we are not good enough or do not deserve to be this certain person but, you are. You were put here to be extraordinary and not held back. You deserve the great things in life. When they come to you, thank who you need to for it and promise to take care of it. You are worthy for the abundance no matter what the external and inner voice is saying. Soak it up and smile.

Are you willing to share the abundance? Abundance cannot be hoarded. The universe gave you the abundance for you to share. If you are full then why do you need the extra love, worth, happiness or money. Give your excess away and watch what happens. More will come in. You will not lose anything in fact it will grow. If you give your extra love outwardly to others it will generate more. If you give your worth to others, people will spread their worth. If you give your happiness outward to others, people will share that smile. If you give your money to the needy others will join in. It is a never-ending supply of abundance. What a beautiful world that would be. It takes being able to let go to give. Do not be afraid that if you give the abundance away you will lose it. Be assured in your soul that it will only grow. You will even experience a bigger joy through the sharing. A transcendence of a place you never knew existed. Hoarding the overage will not bring you to the place of your purpose. Your purpose to give the best you to the world. Sharing is you shining brightly above the mundane of the normal existence. The universe wants you to shine.

Abundance is within you. The empowerment you have to love yourself, to know you are worthy, to be happy and to enjoy the excess riches are within you. Do not rely on stuff to fill the lack of your internal needs instead fill your needs by your empowerment. You deserve all the joy in the world that you can give yourself. No matter what you were told externally and internally you deserve everything in life Be open to except your abundance. You are worthy. Give the excess away without conditions. Take in all you need so that you are prepared to share to others. When your tank is filled, then fill others. The world needs your gifts and joy. All your joy will grow even more when you give openly. You….you can make your…your world a better place. It takes you being great and then sharing the great.

Make your abundance real it’s within you!