The elusive happiness, we wish for it, we change our lives to get it, and work our entire lives for it. We sometimes have it, sometimes we take it, sometimes we pay for it, sometimes we lose it and think we will never have it again. It is the ultimate goal everyone strives for, to be happy. The funny thing is that happiness is in ample supply to us. It is always within our reach. It is the mind and thoughts that put roadblocks up from us. We think happiness is out of our control, we sometimes think the only way to achieve it is by paying for it either by money or our actions. Happiness is supposed to be free and easy to come by but, why do we deem it to be so hard to obtain? I know when life gets hard, we let happiness go because we are not in the place to receive it. In the moment of pain, how do we control these overwhelming feelings? You can’t and you must experience the feeling before you can move on from it, whether it be sadness, anger or pain. It is part of life and a process to move through the situation. You have to feel the emotion in order to move on from it. The key is recognizing where you are in the process. If you have just experienced the event then experience the emotion but, if it is lying in your past move on from it. Happiness is in the release of the pain. It is knowing that what happened, happened and it is over. The emotion you want to feel next is within you to decide. Today we will explore how to move yourself into your own happiness, whenever you want. First, we must recognize it comes from within, then we must see how we create it and lastly, we must be willing to share it. Once we can understand where it comes from, we can live a more joyful life not worrying about how we can be happy. It will be a natural progression of you that you can manifest.

Happiness comes from you. Buying happiness with money is a fleeting joy. Buying happiness with your soul will only make you empty. Money can bring you joy if you use it for others, but it does not come from accumulating stuff. Some people try to relive the joy of getting a present as a child. The happiness and joy they experienced was the natural reaction of a child. We try to recreate this joy from buying ourselves things. Unfortunately, that reaction cannot be recreated. It was the magic of a child imagination that drove their joy in the gift. If you ever noticed that when kids get older the magic of the gift becomes less exciting and more fleeting reaction. When we use the money to spread happiness as of a donation or creating a lasting memory, the joy is felt long term. You provided others joy and that is a permanent feeling.

When we try to buy happiness by giving ours away, we become an empty shell not able to provide for our own happiness. Giving our happiness away by trying to make others happy at our sacrifice, will never produce our happiness. Growing up I always thought that making others happy instead of taking care me was how I was to achieve love. I could not even enjoy a massage because I thought I was taking that masseuses happiness away. It was hard to believe I deserved it. I felt unworthy of the happiness because I was programed that others happiness came before mine. I gave my happiness away and was empty always searching to fill it through others. When we understand that we must be full before we can give that is the key to happiness. Generating happiness through our self-worth.

When we recognize that happiness is generated by our will and worth, we can produce it at anytime we need. When we can recognize where we are, we do not have to hang on to the pain, we can change our feeling to whatever we wish. Hanging on to the pain only keeps us locked in the past moment. Releasing the negative emotions of the past can open us up to changing our lives toward happiness. Let’s say you just had a divorce; it is not what you wanted, and your first reaction is sadness of all you lost. Feel the sadness, you have to feel it to move on. If you don’t, you will get stuck later with regrets. So, feel the pain but, stay in the pain. Start to reflect on what happened as a guide to your better future. It had to happen so you can live the life you were intended to live. Begin to focus on the happiness of the future. There you have let go and opened yourself up to the happiness possibilities.

You can create happiness by loving yourself unconditionally. When you are in a place of hardship find your inner strength by understanding the short term of the feeling and embracing the power you have to turn on your inner light. Take a moment to see that good can come out of even the worst situation. See that your joy cannot be taken away unless you give it away. Let others be in their pain and understand that you cannot change their journey. You can only impact yours by your reactions to the moment. Your self-worth is knowing you deserve to be happy no matter what. The moment you are in can change with putting your happiness in the front. Embrace your inner joy when you are being challenged. You will see a different outcome than the one of sitting in the pain. Love your inner child that always turned off the pain and embraced the play in the moment. Have you ever seen how quickly children can turn from uncontrollable crying to laughing and then playing? It is magic to let it go and embrace your happiness. Look at the child for your inspiration.

Once you are able to love yourself, able to create happiness by letting go of the pain, you are able to share it with others and let it grow even more. The difference between giving away your happiness to sharing is that you have enough for you. If you are full of happiness, why hoard it? Happiness is meant to be spread around. It grows when you do. When you are in a group and people start laughing, don’t you smile too, without even knowing why they are laughing. Happiness is contagious. Why do you think there are laugh tracks in sitcoms? It is to make you laugh. Do not let the hurt of the past control you sharing your happiness with others. Be open to smiling and laughing even if you see others not in the same place as you. Do not have expectations of it be reciprocal. It will still make you smile even more knowing you shared your inner joy outwardly.

 Life is what you make it and it is full of ups and downs. But, we can control our inner space. It is yours, not anyone else’s. Happiness comes from our self-worth being, not from outward forces. If we let negative penetrate us, recognize it as something that does not serve you and turn it toward happiness. You have the power to control you, and you cannot control others. So, be your best friend and have your own internal laugh track. Isn’t happiness much better than drama? Love your beautiful happy self and share it with the world, you and the world deserve your joy.