How brave are you? You are probably saying you are not very brave but, I am here to ask you to look back at a time in your life when you were challenged. I bet you survived and moved on. That took courage to move on from that challenge and you did it! Courage is standing up through the fear. Fear calls us in the challenging moments in our lives to protect us but, it is the fear that can holds us from becoming more in our lives. Even if your common reaction is to run, because it is easier to run from the fight than to endure the pain. To flee in the battle of life just means you will be tortured later with the regrets. I know I have run many times in my life and have either repeated the pattern of the challenge or had so many regrets that it haunted me. Remember regrets hold you in the past and serves no one. But when I look back from this moment and see what I have faced in the adversity, I can see that I had courage to stand in the fight in the moments that mattered, and I survived. I did not even recognize I was in the moment, I just did it. You have the same ability and have done the exact same thing in your life. You survived because of your bravery. You probably did not even recognize it at the time. So, how do we stop the running and focus in on our internal courage. We must know in the moment that the challenge is temporary, that we have the ability to rise above our know self, and if we cannot stand up for ourselves, we can for someone else. These factors will help us in the moment to stand in our own courage. You are the warrior, and you can stand in the battle when you can see through the fear of the moment. Embrace your inner warrior and you will be able to not let fear control you
What if you saw the moment of the challenging fear as temporary? By recognizing that the moment is fleeting and not permanent we will be able to know there is an end and that end is approaching quickly. Most times when we are faced with adversity, we believe that it is forever that we will be in it and that we will feel this fear forever. The reality is that we have the ability to move on and change the moment so, it is not forever. We can choose not to hang on to the moment because it has passed. The next moment is already in progress. When you can see that the challenge is temporary, we can more bravely face it knowing that it will pass. The next challenge that you will face, go into it as this to shall pass and watch your courage rise. Let’s say you have been in a horrible relationship. You have been putting off ending the relationship because it may hurt you or the other person but, you know it will not be beneficial to stay in the relationship. You can ignore the problem (running away) or you could end it (which takes courage). Look at it as the moment of the breakup will be hard but temporary. It will make facing the challenge much easier knowing you will move on and so will they. The moment of the hurt is over when you let it go and you can anytime you wish.
You are stronger than you know, and you can rise above anything placed in front of you. Your life has been a journey to get you to this moment. All the challenges and hardships have prepared you for any new challenge that you will face. The universe only gives what you can handle, and you can handle a lot. Your inner restrictive voice measures your ability as less than what it truly is. Through the pandemic, I had a car accident, I lost my friends, I lost my yoga studio and I lost most of my money. I never gave up and knew I was on a journey to help others. At times I questioned if I had the courage to step beyond all my challenges. When I look back, I see I never gave up and was brave to face the fears that were presented to me. I trusted that I was given what I could handle and when the universe knew I was ready I would rise above the moments into a better life. You have that same courage in you! You can take the challenge as a part of your growth and move beyond it into a better life. A life well beyond the regrets of past events. If you understand that the moment will pass, and you have the strength you will go into the fear without question. You are the warrior going into the fight knowing that your victory will be a better life.
You can get through the moment of the fear even if you cannot do it for yourself. If the moment is too challenging to overcome and you cannot step into the fear, try to relate it to affecting someone else. This perspective can help you gain the courage you need. Ask any hero in any war why they stood in the line of fire knowing death was a very real outcome. Do you know what they all would say? I did it for my buddies next to me. They did not do it for the greater cause or because they were special brave people. They were normal people like you and me. Their courage was provided by providing for their friends around them. They fought to save their friends not themselves. Facing fear is not a selfish act, sometimes you need to be encouraged to stand up for what is right by helping others. Maybe in that relationship from above you had children between you two. Children are perceptive and see torment in relationships around them. Staying in a bad relationship may harm them in the long run. If you cannot stand up because of the fear for you ending the relationship look at the affect on what the long term would do to the children. You will be able to stand in the fear of the moment better and be brave enough to rise to the challenge because you are doing it for them. We have a enate drive to protect the people we love and others when the fear may affect them. Use this power for yourself and step into the fear.
Courage is in all of us, and we are capable of handling what is laid before us. Running away will never bring us peace so, stepping into the challenge is the only way to move beyond it. Remember that the moment is temporary and that it will pass. Once it is over your life will move forward and you will be taken care of. Know that you are stronger than your limited inner voice tells you. You have been challenged before and like then you will rise above the current moment. If you cannot stand up for yourself stand up for someone around, you. By doing this you will find that special hero courage that we all possess. With these tools you can call on your inner warrior anytime you need him to stand up for the good of you. You are important and you matter so, isn’t that the best fight of all. Fear comes from a lack of self-worth. The sense that you cannot do what you need to survive the challenge. You have the courage and you are worthy. Be your warrior and fight for you!