In this world of technology, we are bombarded with stimulus. It creates a world of multitasking. We look at our phones, listen to music, watch TV, be on our laptops, all at the same time we are doing something else. This stimulus can cause our brains to disconnect from the present. As humans we were never supposed to have this much to process at one time. The stimulus becomes so addicting that we crave it. It is a drug that we must have to survive. Boredom is the enemy, and we must fight this enemy by grabbing the electronics to feed our brains. But it is in boredom where are brains have the chance to focus on ourselves and our true needs. When we can live in the boredom, we can become present to create. Create what we want out of life. Now, I am not here to lecture you on the bad of the electronics. I use them too and they are very helpful to get information and create a closer world. But, like all drugs moderation is better than addiction. If you can take time and unplug to connect to yourself and the world around you, it will open you up to experience that world more deeply. Being present is experiencing your world and understanding of the current events that surround you. In this present moment you are given the chance to create your future and impact your life. The present is where all your senses are, and you can feel the moment more intensely. How do we become more present so we can experience that rich life we deserve? We need to unplug, limit the multitasking, need to recognize when reality is displaced by fantasy, and we must plug into where we are, to truly be in the current moment. This is no easy task because we feel dependent on the need for the technology. If you just try to reconnect to your needs by disconnecting you might see a better path for your future. Life is in the present moment so, being present to that moment is where we need to be to move ourselves to our abundance.

The most hated word in the millennial world…Unplug. If you just take a little bit of your day to turn off the technology, you may just see your world a little clearer. I challenge you to look at your day and see when you can unplug just for an hour. You will probably say, no problem. But take that hour and you will see it will be extremely hard. That need for constant stimuli will have you fighting your brain to calm. You will see just how addicted you have become. It is ok to feel the way you do. You need to be in the moment of the addiction to understand where you are. If you just try and fail to do it, you will get a better understanding of how to address it. Unplugging is the first step you must face to become present. The moment you are in needs your full attention. You cannot be present when your brain is trying to multitask.

We all need to multitask sometimes in our day but, when multitasking is the norm, it becomes the distractor. We sometimes do not even recognize when we are multitasking. We might be riding our bikes and listening to music. We might be sitting with friends and looking at our phones. We might be typing on our computers while we watch a YouTube video. You might believe that this is a good thing because look you are feeding the productive and the enjoyment side of your brain but, what is actually is happening you are not feeding either enough. Maybe ride your bike and hear nature around you. Maybe engage with your friends with eye-to-eye contact. Maybe concentrate on the work you are doing. Maybe you’ll be more present and become more aware of the sensations of the moment. Something has to give when you multitask. You will probably fight me on that one and say “I can do it all” but, reality is your brain was not meant to do it all at the same time. Being present with what is the most important thing in the moment can feed the whole brain to feel that moment and give it the proper attention it needs. The present moment needs you in it to move your life forward to your abundance.

When we sit in the technology world too long, we can lose our presence in the known world. The moment we are in gets distorted by the fantasy. The real world never measures up to the world we see in the technology world. The expectations we put in the moment, instead of the just being in the moment, can lead to disappointment. This creates a feeling of worthlessness and self-doubt. The fantasy of perfection is not reality. You are beautifully imperfect, and you were meant to be that way. The imperfections are what makes you unique. The perfect is a fantasy. If you can recognize that the technology world is an image of fantasy, then you can see your beautiful self. Being present to see who you are and how wonderful you are. If you can let, go of the perception of who the fantasy world says how you are supposed to be then you can be in the moment clearer. Being present with you and your needs without the influence of the outside world will guide you to the path of awareness. Being present with your reality can help you create your path forward.

The path you are on is created in the moment you are in so, why not give it your full attention. Plugging into the moment by just being present without distraction can shape your world toward your abundance. When you feel like you are in multitask overload, stop, close your eyes and breath. By just closing your eyes and unplugging, feel your breath, hear the sounds, feel the touch of things, become one with yourself. This little trick can rewire the brain to say let’s take a break and check in. Checking in with yourself can help you find the present moment. Being in this moment can help you move your life forward. You cannot look into the past or worry about the future in this moment of being present. You are just here, surveying the world around you so you can make the right steps in your path.

If you just take the time to unplug, limit your multitasking, be in reality not fantasy and be where you are in the moment you will see the world what it is and what you can do with it. Being present is your time for action. Use it to its full advantage and give it the most attention it needs. You will see what a great impact you can have without the influences of other things. It is your world to create so, be present and create your abundance.