I am sure you have experienced drama sometime in your life. It is filled with hurt, anger, sadness, or some other emotion that creates a disparity in your life. Drama is such a big roadblock in our lives. It can stop our momentum and cause us to question our path forward. The funny thing about this roadblock is that it is created either by us or someone else. It is humans attaching their perception on events with emotions. It is created in the world of the ego. Someone or you were affected by someone or something and it caused your ego to go off. Your ego or someone else’s went into protection of itself. Not me, it’s you and the victim slides into the drama. The victim is forged by the ego to protect its fragile shell. People with fragile egos are typically the ones who live in the drama. It is not me so there for someone did something to me on purpose to hurt me. Your ego tells you that you are the victim and how dare they do this to you. The victim starts in a place of poor me and lashes out at the targeted perpetrator. The perpetrator may have done it on purpose, or the victim can fantasize the root causes of the action. Either way it is to protect their ego from harm. On the other side the supposed perpetrators ego gets bruised as well and off they go into a spiral of drama. The ego fed drama is like a tornado sucking everyone in through their egos. Unfortunately, you cannot stop drama in your world, even if you can control your part in it. But you can prevent it from causing a roadblock in your path through your ability to understand it better. So, what do we do to try to minimize the drama in our lives? You must first not let your ego get in your way, then you must proactively avoid drama before you get sucked in, and lastly to remain calm. If you can try to use some of the techniques, we will discuss, you will be able to navigate through the drama more quickly to get back on your path to your abundance.
When drama is stirred up by an event, be wary of the ego. The ego can go into the victim and the drama will escalate to being out of your control You can only control your input to the drama so, be aware of your egos tendency to jump in. The ego of the other person is involved and when your ego gets in as well watch out for the tidal wave. If you can take ownership for your part in the drama your ego has nowhere to hide. Even if you are not at fault look into the mirror first to see how you are involved in the situation. The ego is a victim, and it likes to pass the blame. So, the more you can focus on understanding the better you will be able to navigate out of it. The victim will start making statements like “You did this to me!” Look at it with clear lenses to see where the victim is coming from. Is it based in reality of fantasy? Answer without the ego and look into the how it came about. Either way if you were a part of the drama or not, at least you will understand where their emotions are based. Reasoning with a bruised ego will not work so, understand your ego first. Your ego will only cloud your ability to move forward. When you can look at the situation without embracing the drama you can even avoid stepping into it.
Drama needs partners to evolve into roadblocks. Drama will not survive if it has to talk to itself. If you can separate yourself from a drama situation, you will be able to see that it will die off sooner. Like a tornado it needs an energy source but dissipates when it cannot feed. So, when drama approaches you let the ego go and do not engage. The source of the drama is just looking for partners to feed the ego. If it gets the energy source it will suck everyone around it in. As well as try not to label something as drama. When dealing with other people’s emotions, there is a reason behind it. Whether based in reality or fantasy the person is feeling the emotion and labeling it as drama will only feed the tornado. The emotions are real and the ego will feed on someone calling it out. Just acknowledge their emotion but, do not feed into it. People have to feel what they feel and you are not them. There is a reason to why either known or unknown where they are in the moment. Do not attach yourself to the drama and move on. You do not have to own others drama unless you allow it. You can control how you react in the moment to the situation. Acknowledge, be calm and move on with your life.
When the drama presents itself to you, be clam. If you escalate to the level of the drama, you will create fuel for the tornado. Breath and disconnect as the drama unfold. The more you are aware of the situation the quicker you can walk away from it and move down your path in life. When interacting with the source do not get involved. Use statements like, “I am sorry to hear that” or “I understand”. Using you statements like “You know better” or “You are right”, will only fuel the drama. The ego wants to the fuel so, do not engage. Control your what you can, which is yourself and move on quickly.
Drama that egos create by using our victims can stop us on our paths. If we can control what we can which is how we react to the drama and how we attach to the drama, we can move ourselves more quickly through the drama. Drama will happen because it is created by people’s ego, which is a powerful presence in our being. But we can control the ego with understanding in the moment where we are and our reactions to the events around us. Being calm and looking into the mirror is our way of keeping the ego in check. The victim does not live here unless we let it. If you can look inward instead of outward the victim has no place to hide. Be strong, confident and calm and you will see drama has no place in your world. It will still come at you because of others but, you do not have to get sucked into the tornado. Let the ego know you are in charge, not its non-rational thoughts. Move around the roadblocks of drama than through them.