Have you ever in your life felt broken? The feeling of defeat when you thought you could not move on with your life. You tried and failed, you loved and lost, your life did not happen the way you thought it would. The feeling of defeat where you felt like life has stopped for you. You feel broken. The way you thought did not work and you do not know how to fix it. There you were at a full standstill, waiting for something or someone to help you. Too many times in my life I have felt broken and cried, praying to universe to help me. Thinking I was all alone, beaten and bruised from the crash of the expectation. You are not alone. We have all been there in our lives. But here you are, ok and you moved forward. You did not need the help you thought. So, were you really broken? Yes, the tragedy you faced was a devastating blow. You failed, lost and your life changed direction but, here you are. Believe it or not this is where you are supposed to be. The failure, the loss and the change in your direction was supposed to happen to get you here. Now you can learn from the lessons of life and apply them to your new direction. Far too many times people give up. Not trying again because they failed, putting rules on love because they got hurt, or being afraid of the unknow because life changed. These are the universe asking are you ready for your abundance. Giving up is not the path to take. Adjusting and redirecting the path is what it is asking you to do. Maybe what you tried needed more practice. Maybe the love you thought was not the right perfect partner for you. Maybe you were not supposed to be in the job because it did not feed your purpose. The signposts on your journey is the feeling of being broken. It is the change in direction that is scary but, necessary to get you to your abundance in life. When that feeling of being broken is too much to handle remember you are not broken, you will move on, recognize that the direction you were on needs to be tweaked and you are where you are supposed to be in this very moment. The journey in life is never a straight path to your abundance. The broken feelings are the change in the direction that is needed to correct your path. It hurts to feel like you are not where you are supposed to be but, have faith in your journey and the confidence of your abundance. Then you will see you are not broken but, just learning your way.

You are not broken. Broken means you have to be fixed or you are a piece of junk. This is far from the truth. You do not have to be fixed, you simply need to find your inner strength and power. It is inside you and always has been. Your purpose is there in your smiles. The smiles are your path. The feeling that you have to be fixed is forged in the lack of worth. You are worthy and you have the inner strength to change. Change of your direction does not denote fixing. It is telling you that your path to your worth and purpose was not on that road. It doesn’t take fixing to make it happen. It takes a new decision in this moment with no expectation, not fixing who you are. The other part of being broken does not mean you are a piece of junk. The tragedy happened it may have been your fault or not but, it did for a reason. It was there to change your direction. You are not a piece of junk because it happened. It was meant to happen to get you to this moment. The event that stopped you dead in your tracks was forged to shake you for change not to put you down. It is calling for a change so, you can steer your life to your abundance. When my mother died, I felt broken reeling in the sadness of why it happened. She was healthy and was in a moment of her life that she was able to live the one she wanted. I could not understand why, and it made me challenge what my purpose was in my life. I came to realize that the time frame we choose for our lives is not ours. I needed to start living toward my purpose before it was too late. That life could be taken from me before I had the joy of living my own abundant life. At the time I was struggling with my restaurant career, and it took a lot of effort from me to work every day at it. This jolt the universe was telling me was start now to your abundance because the path I was on would not get me there. I did not need to fix me but, change my direction for the more fulfilling life.

You will move on. A lot of times when we are faced with our personal tragedy, we think life will end as we know it. But life moves on and so do we, sometimes without us even knowing it had. The moment we thought would be forever was just that, a moment to pass and move on from. All moments pass, it is whether we hang on to them or let them go is how long they affect us. Look back at in past and see the many times we felt we could not go on but, here you are. You moved on with out much thought because you had to. The moment passed and we let it go. Holding on to a tragedy will only hold us in that past moment. The torture of that moment is self-imposed. Let it go so you can move on. It has no power over you if you can and then the current moment will be available for you to move your journey forward. Each moment is fleeting and powerful because it can change our direction in our life. Let go of the broken feeling and move on because you can and will.

The hard lesson and feeling of being broken is the universes call to change your path. When I was young, I worked at my stepfathers company. It was a miserable job and I worked there for 17 years of my life. I felt it was what I was supposed to do because that is what my parents wanted. My stepbrothers took over the company and fired me. I felt broken because that is all I knew since I was 15. A job I hated. The universe told me to move on. I did not have the courage at the time to leave myself but, the universe was pushing for change. At that time in my life, I did not know where to go or what to do. Scared, lost and broken. Then I let go of what I thought I had to do and let the universe guide me. It moved me to the restaurant business, where I excelled because I was good with people. Since then, I have listened to the universes lessons and my path has twisted and turned to this moment of helping others. At the time of that past tragedy, I thought my life was at an end. But here I am moving forward and listening to the changes in my direction. Each one has brought me nearer to my purpose and that abundant life I am on the cusp of. All the broken feelings I have had have brought me here. As I look back, I am grateful of the change and much happy because I went through it. I am here in this moment because of the changes in my directions.

We are all here in this moment because this is where the path has taken us. It is exactly where we are supposed to be, right now. If you realize that this moment is not broken, you can make a decision for a better journey to your abundance. You are here because of all the twists and turns on your path. If you had not taken those deviations, you would be someone else. You are you because you are here. The beautiful thing is that you have power in this moment. You can create you in this moment. What power you have! You are not limited by the broken feelings, your self-imposed limitations or others. You are only limited by your fears. But those fears can be let go in this moment as well. Life happens now, not in the past failures. The universe has given us this moment to change, to move on from being broken and to life our abundant life.

You have never needed to be fixed and you have never been a piece of junk. Broken cause you to think something is wrong with you. Nothing is wrong with you, and you are not broken! The feeling comes from a shift in direction in our lives. Once you realize that the change can be positive and good is coming you will know you are not broken. The universe just needed to shake you up and tell you to get on the right path. The right path is taken in this moment, not in the past or the future. You will experience many shifts in your path through your journey. It is how we react to those shifts that hold us still, thinking we are broken or moving closer to our abundant life. Your path is going in that direction and will continue if you let it without stopping to criticize yourself. Life is a journey, and you have to look at it as ever evolving in a positive direction. You’ll get there if you have faith and not holding yourself in the moments of feeling broken.