How is your karma? Karma? You ask? On first thought you might think that karma is something that happened in a previous life that you are paying for now or something someone has negatively done is paying the price for doing it at a later time. Well, you might have done something once and you know that you will have to pay for that sometime. This accountability for those actions from wrongdoing from something later in life. This makes karma the police holding us to the laws of our actions. The energy of punishment for our actions. This energy is supposed to keep us in check. But karma is not about punishment for a past action. It is about the moment we are in, not always a negative energy and not a punishment. It is not an accountability for negative actions but, it is accountability of being your true self. Karma is being true to your heart in the moment you are in. Karma is living our true spirit or intention in life. When we can do this, we will be complete. This created completeness will fuel a fulfilling life. If we focus on the present and positiveness of karma it can generate a peace of knowing we are on the right path for our true self. This life of peace surrounded by our karma will lead us to our abundant life because we will be good and ready to experience it without the negative internal influences. We think karma is this thing we cannot control but, in reality we are in control in each moment we live. We can make our karma good by living our lives not incumbered by negative thoughts and living each moment true to ourselves. You can achieve a good karma by making the present moment right, by looking at life through a positive lens, always focusing on your path and by listening to your heart and soul. Your karma is good if you allow it to be by focusing on these things. Wonderful karma is created by you and needed to fulfill your life of abundance. Your heart and soul are where your karma is. When you can have peace in those places within your life you will be ready for that abundance more than you ever dreamed because you will have less worries. The worries of life will seem less important because your karma is good.
Good karma starts now. Creating good karma in this moment is by focusing on the moment. Being present in what is going on. Take time right now and feel where you are. Let go of the voices and just be in the moment……….You might have heard a lot of clatter in your mind and outside distractions. These distractions are your mind trying to take control of the moment. Turn off your mind and start listening to your heart. What makes you smile? What makes you get excited? What brings you joy? These are the voices of your heart and soul, not the distractions of the have tos and worries. This is where the karma lives in the moment. If you can make your decisions in the moment by being true to your heart and soul, you will generate good karma. Being at peace with where you are in your journey. The worries will seem less needed, and the calm of your being will be more focused to where you are in your life.
Feed your karma with positive intentions. Your good karma filled life if not a negative place. It is looking at the future and the current moment as a positive path in your journey. If you try to punish yourself with negative thoughts of past actions or worry filled future events, you will not be living your true intentions. They will be blocked by these moments and stop you on your journey to your abundance. If you take this moment to look at the possibilities to feed your heart and soul with joy, you will have no space for worry and doubt. Let say, in your life right now you have a boring job, and you are barely making ends meet. You worry about the future and life seems to be at a standstill. Try to focus on what you can do to feed more positivity into your karma. Look into where you are and what is good in your world. Then start projecting the future as the possibilities of the things you want. Focus on the positive that your abundant life is there waiting for you. Turn the picture of your life from dark to light. The universe will hear your karma shift and provide support for you. If you stay fixated on the worries and negativity, it cannot help you. Your mind needs to feed your heart and soul from your karma before you can progress down your path. Try to do this is small amounts as you grow your positive karma and see what changes happen. You will be amazed out how it generates good things to happen. Be patient and know all good things will happen in do time when you are ready.
Always be true to your path. Your path in life in generated through your karma. The place where your spirit is. If you listen to your heart and soul, you will always be focusing on your true journey in life. Th distractions of external and internal negative noise will try to deviate you from your path. Listen to your heart and soul for guidance they know the way to your fulfillment. The karma generated from listening to them will keep the distractions at bay. The guidance happens in each moment but, we must be willing to listen. You may get distracted through life’s challenges but, you can steer back to the correct path by listening to what your true self needs. When you get to a junction with challenges in life go inward and listen to what your heart and soul needs. The smiles, the happiness, the sense of worth and there you will know what decision on which way you need to go. Creating a positive karma space while listen to your heart and soul will always steer you in the right direction.
What does your heart and soul tell you? Don’t know? It is ok. They are there and have been talking to you since you were born. They have been telling you how to create your karma but, they are being drowned out by all the noises around you. Listen to the unforced things in your life that make you smile, laugh, feel worthy and give you peace. That is where your heart and soul are. It is subtle but there. They are not found in the worry, doubt and anxiety. Peace and fulfillment are in the karma of the heart and soul. Let them lead you to where you are supposed to be. They have been there waiting for you.
There is a Hawaiian saying from the late Israel Kamakawiwo ‘Ole (Iz) who said: “Make your kuleana pono. Then everything else follows”. It means, be true to your spirit (soul) and accountable to your own heart. When your spirit is complete, everything else in your life will fall into place. It is the Hawaiian version of karma. It could not be truer. Live your life true to your self and you will be taken care of. The karma you create in this moment, with positive intentions, while staying on your life’s path and listening to your heart and soul will bring you to a more abundant life. This will cause the worries and doubts to fade. The beautiful thing is we create the karma in our lives and that our abundant life starts when we are ready to receive it. It just happens but, we need to create the space for it by creating the good karma.