What are the obstacles in your world that make you to slow down, stop or turn around on your path through your life? Obstacles come in many shapes and sizes. They can be an event, a person, a challenge, or even a word. They are the many things we face as we journey down our path. How do you handle your obstacles? Do you run, fight and hide? Do some obstacles even make you jump off the cliff of self-doubt and unworthiness? Obstacles happen daily and it is how we handle these deviations in our life is how our path to our abundance is changed. We alter our paths through these outside stimuli to accommodate our fears. These fears steer us away from the path to our abundance. The fear of the unknown or the confrontation with ourselves. The obstacle stops us from moving and we think that there is no hope in the forward direction. The feeling the obstacle is telling us to turn around. The black and white thinking of we either move without effort forward or we turn around and not try. It is innate that we see a challenge in our life, and we think the world is going to end. This black and white thinking is how we stumble on our journeys. The key is finding the grey in the obstacle. It is not a stop and run away, it is a adjust, learn and move forward. By going backwards on your journey, you will just go back over that same conquered ground you have already been on. This challenge of the obstacle is just saying relook at the moment and make the new moment better toward your abundance. It is not saying turn around. The flashing signs says caution, not stop. When faced with an obstacle in your life slow down and reassess your path. It might mean a change in direction, it might mean a change in your actions, it might mean change in thought but, whatever it is it is not an end, it is a new beginning. The grey in the obstacles hold the key to the shift on the path. When faced with an obstacle we should recognize them and challenge the reasons behind it, we should look for the grey area, and then make the proper adjustments with moving forward. Life is not a straight path with a smooth road, it is filled with challenges or obstacles to make the fine adjustments we need to get to our abundance. We need to recognize the obstacles and look at them for what they are, just a detour or a slowdown, not a stop in your journey.
Are you aware of your obstacles and why they occur? Some obstacles we do not even realize occur. They are hidden in the things we do. Let say you have a standard routine of the grind. Get up, breakfast, drive to work, work, come home, dinner, tv and then bed….rinse and repeat. You do this for 5 days a week. You’re probably saying where is the obstacle? In that normal day did you do anything to feed your soul? In the grey area between all the normal activities did you move your path forward. The in between grey areas of the routine were probably filled with mindless things such as, checking Instagram, playing a game, on and on of the list of distractions we have available to us. The routine becomes the obstacle. The stoppage in our life from the obstacle is created by the routine. The excuses we use is that we are too busy with our routines to work on our paths. Then how will you work toward your abundance? The weekend is all you have and that will be filled with selfcare and indulgence. The reality is that there is not enough time for your true journey because of the time of the routine. I challenge you to look for the grey areas where you might be able to meditate or journal in those times of mindlessness. See how this obstacle can be worked to get you to your abundance.
Some obstacles are created by our lack of an internal need. When faced with a challenge of the need for appreciation weather it is at a job or relationship. The obstacle makes us work so hard to try to please the boss or spouse for that appreciation. The obstacle of the need makes us stop in our lives by filling others so, that we can get that need. If we could recognize our own self appreciation, we can move forward without the obstacle blocking our paths. Fill our need before giving it away can help us move forward from the stop in our paths. We see the grey area around the obstacles for what they are and know we can make a change to move beyond them.
When obstacles occur and we see no way around it, is then we need to change the perspective of our thoughts to look for the grey area around the obstacle. I worked 17 years for my stepfamilies company. I hated every second of my job there, it never fed my soul. When I was fired by my stepbrothers, I was lost. The obstacle was a big red sign saying stop. I felt like I had to turn around and restart from the same place I was. Go back to a work environment similar to what I just came from. After all it was all I knew. The unknown was that flashing stop sign. I thought I do not know how to do anything else or had enough courage to try something else. After many months of self-doubt and worthlessness I opened my eyes to the torture that I endured and that going back to that would never move my life forward. I turned and walked into the obstacle of the unknown and moved my life forward to explore a new path. Yes, it takes courage but, courage can be obtained through the belief of your path to your abundance. My life has taken many twists and turns through the obstacles I have faced but, each one was moving my life forward not backwards. I know with each one I am heading in the direction of my abundance. Think of all the wonderful inventions we have in our lives. If these inventors would have stopped when they had an obstacle, they would have never achieved their success. It is in you to do the same. You are as special as they are and have the courage to move beyond the obstacles.
When obstacles occur, you must adjust your path and not turn around on it. If I would have stopped and turned around from the above situation, I would have put myself back into that torture and delayed my journey forward. This delay could have taken a long time turn back toward my abundance or I could have stayed in the torture indefinitely. This self-sabotage from the fear of the unknown would have made my life full of lack. Make adjustments to your train of thought. The path forward is not laid in the past and it is sometimes in the unknown. You can make the adjustments by looking forward to your abundance and to not fear what you do not know. We you can conquer the fear by believing in your path, then you can see the changes you have to make to move beyond the obstacles. It does not always have to be a change in everything you do in life. In the above example of the routine, by just adding more time in your routine to your path forward can start the journey toward your abundance. It does not have to be a major shift as quitting your job. My making these small adjustments you will see the direction clearer, and your abundance won’t seem so far away.
Obstacles happen everyday in our journey through our lives. It is how we approach them is how we move forward through them. Recognizing them, not letting them turn us around and looking for the grey area is how we circumvent them. Obstacles are a way in your life of asking if you are strong enough to move toward your abundance. You do have the courage and the strength to move beyond anything in your way. Take some time to look in the past when you were able to move beyond something that stood in your way. You did and you have that same courage now. The flashing sign in the road ahead does not mean stop, it means slow down and adjust. The unknown road ahead is filled with the abundance in life you deserve the path behind does not need to be trod again by turning around. Your abundance is beyond the obstacles in the wonderful unknown. Go through them knowing you are on your right path.