It is something people need to survive, and it is what most of all our decisions are based around. We stay in a job because of being paid, we stay in a relationship because our partner makes a good income, we do not take the needed get away because we are saving for little Billie’s college education, so on and so on…It is the necessary evil. We are stopped on our journey to our abundance because of the fear of not having enough money. But sometimes we let the fear of not having any money keep us locked on a path of not making more and living our true lives. I cannot do this or become that because I need to pay bills. The money paradigm is a black and white situation. You either have it or you don’t. This thinking holds us steadfast in a normal life, not letting us explore our full potential. No getting around it, money is important. Money is the fuel that can hold us in the normal or move us forward to our abundance. The normal life will be that job, that relationship and that struggling to get by. The lack of money will keep you pinned down to the path of mediocrity. If you want more out of life you need to get more money. You can try to save it, which will take till you retire while struggling until you get to that point, and by then it will be too late to enjoy life, or you can strive to make more money and live a happier life from something you want to do. It is never too late to plan for your happiness. The idea of what you love and to make money from it. Planning only takes a little time and effort but, sometimes we are so wrap in using that extra moment to recover from the normal, that takes our energy away to move our journey forward. Isn’t taking that current moment to live your dreams more important than recover from the mundane? We use every excuse under the sun to not try to strive for a better life. This better life is fueled by money. We say, “I have to pay bills” or even “money is bad”. Money is portrayed in society as a bad thing. It will change you into a greedy or mean person. Will it? Where do you stand in your relationship with money? Are you just ok with getting by, do you think you are not smart enough to obtain it, or do you think having it will change you? Ask yourself these questions. Our relationship with money should be one of understanding its importance and not being afraid of it. We can live our true life if we our ok with making more of it. We do not need to let ourselves get in our way to obtaining more. Also understanding that money can be made living your purpose. How do we have a better relationship with money? We must first understand the fear of lack of money will hold us on the path of that lack, a normal life is normal money and abundant life is abundant money, and lastly that money is our friend not our enemy. Money is the biggest roadblock to our abundant life. We need money to live our abundant life. We must work toward our purpose to achieve more of it and be ok with having it.

Fear of lack in life is a strong backwards pull of our journey. The lack of love, happiness and money. A lot of this pull of fear is based in the unknown. It keeps us stuck in the normal path and holds us back from our abundant life. I will stay in this relationship because I will not find love again or I will work the job I hate because I will not get more money doing something I love. These stories of the unknown lack keeps us from striving forward toward our purpose. It is not a story of the grass is greener but, it is a story of possibilities. If we stay in the relationship or job that is not fulfilling, will we be living our happiest life? The possibilities are in the unknown answers to that question. When assessing your path forward remove the thought of lack and change it to what if. What if the better relationship is out there or what if the better money lies in my passions? How do you know there are possibilities unless you can go beyond the fear? Start making plans in the moment and slowly move forward. It does not have to be a giant leap of faith like, I am going to quit today but, it can be the writing out a plan or researching how to get started. Look at the possibilities without the fear of the lack of money first. Trust you have the skills and that your happy life lives in following your passions. The fear of lack of money will not let you live your abundant life. The possibilities of more will and the fact you tried to live your passions will fuel your confidence to try harder.

What are your dreams? Being in a normal life or living an abundant one? Money changes the story from one of the 9-5 to the one of freedom. The freedom of time, to do what you want when you want to. When looking at the normal life you will roughly see a life of 56 hours of sleep, 40 hours of work, 32 hours weekend activities, and 20 hours of preparations (breakfast, dinner, showers, ext…) That leaves 20 hours of downtime a week. So, in essence your freedom life is 52 hours a week (weekends and downtime). That is a little over 3 days of freedom in a normal life. Doing something that does not feed your passions for 5 days a week. This schedule is dictated by the job not you. If you had an abundant life and worked feeding your passions, you will have 7 days of week. Living a much happier productive life while giving you the freedom of your own schedule. Your schedule is dictated by you in the abundant life. The universe wants you to be the ones in control of our time so that you can live a more abundant life. Working for our passions may not manifest more money but, it does manifest more time. Time cannot be bought but, living to your purpose can equate into more joyful time spent. So, does money from a job that dominates your life worth the cost of your happiness? This is a choice you must choose. You have to trust that you can create this life of abundance and the money will occur when you are living your purpose. That is where the beginning of our abundance happens. The place where money, time and purpose are all in abundance. You will not find that with work, limited time and getting by.

To live your life fuller, you have to be ok with money. You are probably saying, “what in the heck are you talking about, I want lots of money”. Do you? I have the privilege of teaching new coaches to help them make a difference in peoples lives. Before and after their learning experience we have them rate their skills. In almost every case (of hundreds of students), both the pre and post learning, the students always rate themselves a 1 (out of 5) on asking their clients for money. When asked why so low, they tell us they feel like they should not ask for money because they are helping people. They believe that giving their passion for helping others away is the right thing to do. They don’t feel like they deserve taking money for their passion. People come to coaches for empowerment, and we help them achieve that and it takes education, time and money to do that, then why not ask for the money? Why is it so tough to ask for money? People are willing to pay for it but, we don’t want to take it. The person receiving the coaching would not hesitate to pay for a coffee at Starbucks and this is a much more valued service. This is a classic example money is a bad word. Money should not be taken for helping others but, for things we indulge in is ok. This is such a backward philosophy. The enemy is that we are bad for asking for it. Money is not the enemy because we ask for it, for a service to help. Money should be our friend to help us to continue to help others. If we did things for free, we would not be able to survive and no longer be able to help others. Money is to help us to our abundance, and we must ask for it so, that we can help ourselves and others. Even charity foundations need money so, why not ask for it? Would a person working a 9-5 job work for free? Money is only bad if we use it for indulgence in junk that accumulate for no reason. It will not change who you are and your personality as well. Your personality is within you all along and an item cannot change what is already there. It does not change you and you can control where it goes. It is ok to splurge on you and others if you have an abundance. You can feed the world when you are full, you cannot on an empty stomach. Let money work for you by helping you live your purpose. You need it to get there and combined with your passion your life will be more joyful. Money is not a bad word if you live your purposeful life through it.

Understanding it takes money to live your dreams is the first step in moving toward your abundant life. It is a life of purpose and freedom, not one of indulgence and greed. Be ok with money because it can be the fuel for your happy life. It takes planning and looking beyond the normal. Do not wait till you retire to live that life, by then it will be too late. The live you want starts in this moment. I am not going to lie it takes hard work, perseverance, and faith in yourself. You have the tools to strive for your happily ever after. Just look into what feeds your soul with joy. You can make money from it and the universe will thank you for your gift with money. Have a better relationship with money, it is what will lead you forward on your journey to your abundant life. Getting by will just get you by. Your wonderful full life is in your abundant life so, you can share your overage to the world.