Have you ever looked back in your life and seen how you were given warning signs and you completely ignored them? We leave a relationship, quit a job, or something that makes us pause and say why did I not see these red flags. We entered into whatever we were doing thinking everything was great and we were on our right path in our journey. Then it happens the red flags become flashing lights to say your journey is not here. The pain we experienced would have not happened if we would have only paid attention to the things we chose to ignore. Yes, we chose to ignore these warning signs because we were not ready to live our authentic life. We let the cloud of our lack and self-doubt get in the way of noticing the universe saying don’t go that way. When we take these deviations in life, it is the delays in our path forward to teach us the lesson of self. The self of, we do not lack, and we are worthy. We ignore the red flags because of ourselves. We cannot blame anyone for the path we have chosen. We were given the signs to take the deviation but, we were not ready to see them yet. We need to live through the wrong turns so, we can learn we have what we need internally. These turns are our teaching moments. Life’s journey is full of these moments. We have to get rid of the programing and the lack of what we truly need to be on our path through these moments to get to our abundant life. We cannot live that life if we are missing our identity and self-love. When we are able to see the red flags, we will have arrived to understand where we are going, because we would not need anything externally to fill that internal need. We can even use imagined red flags to deviate our journey as well. These signs are one created by our lack of self-worth. We believe we are not worthy of a true love or a great career so, we chose to make imaginary roadblocks to stop our journey to that abundant life when it is offered to us. We use excuses to explain why we cannot go down those paths. It is going to be too hard to make money from my passions or my partner is too good for me, are just some of the lies we tell ourselves because we do not believe we are worthy of the good. This double edge sword of red flags can be a tricky thing to notice and can cause us to question which is true and which is imaginary. In this state of flux, we are stuck thinking either we are imagining these things or that they are really true. We ignore the flags because we do not know if they are real or imaginary. We cannot get out of our own way and stay in the bad job or relationship, or we leave the good career or good relationship. So, how do we navigate through the red flags so, that we can move our lives forward to our abundant life? We have to notice the red flags first, then we need to challenge them, and lastly, we must learn from them. It takes a lot of effort to move around and through red flags. If you ignore them, weather they are real or imaginary, you will not be heading down your true path to your abundance. It takes listening to the universe of what you need internally before you can live your passion filled life. Eventually you will be thankful for the red flags because they will guide you to your abundant life. The universe wants you to be there and these signs are its way of helping you get there.

How do you know at the time a red flag is occurring? You typically have a sense of compromise. A moment when you pause and have to adjust what feels right to you. You get a sense of something is not right. This is the universes sign to pause. It is how you pass through this is whether you are ignoring it or feeling it. Let’s say your partner gets jealous when you are on a work call. Your first pause and then start to defend yourself, even though you are just doing your job. You go into the reasons for the call. This pause is the shift of the universe saying look closer. You pass through the pause but, later as the relationship goes on, it repeats more and more in innocent situations. The flag of jealously (a lack of trust), shows up and spirals out of control. The lack of the others person’s ability to trust drove the flag to occur and your lack of internal love made you ignore it. After the relationship you say why did I not see the red flag. Funny thing you did but, your compromise of the first situation let it go away. The universe was saying look here now. We compromise for a lot of reasons but, most compromising is due to the lack of an internal need. We compromise for the fear of lack of love or worth. We question ourselves instead of the moment. The red flag is ignored. When you feel a shift in your body to one of uneasiness to a situation that is the sign that the red flag has appeared. Learn to recognize the feeling and start the process of challenging the moment.

In those moments that cause us to question and compromise we must stop and challenge how we are reacting. Is the moment of jealous feeling prompted by our actions or imagined by the other person? It takes us being true to ourselves to answer our own internal questions. Is this a feeling of the fear of lack of love or one of defensiveness? The fear of lack is our need to heal ourselves and the defensiveness is our need to be real. Both are from a place of questioning ourselves. We cannot control the other person, so we need to question ourselves. We can only control how we perceive the situation. If you take the time to challenge the red flag, you can see its true learning curve. Being one of growth in the moment to live your true path. The growth is from understanding your role. If you understand you can move past the red flag without ignoring it. When all things work out in the end you will not have to look back and say why did I ignore it, when you address it in the moment. It is ok to question yourself. When you do, it is not a right or wrong answer with blaming, it is a learning moment of healing. You shine a light on the compromise and say is it me or something coming from an internal lack. Either way you know what you have to do to correct your path. Your regrets of not seeing the red flag in the moment will dissipate. The feeling of pause is the moment to dig into. It is the teaching we need to pay attention to. The lesson is the fork in the road to head down deeper into the lesson or to correct your path. If we take the time in the red flag to understand it better, we can learn the correct lesson to head us into our life of abundance.

The universe guides us on our journey with red flags. It is a lesson of growth for us. It is not a lesson of right or wrong. The pause of the jealous moment above is not to blame you or the other person. It is a moment of, what do I need? Do I need to be more self-love to walk away, or do I need to own why it is occurring? Either way, you have control in your understanding of the moment. This understanding is our lessons to know ourselves better. When we ignored the flags before we were not ready to deal with that lesson of need yet. When we can see the pattern and be open to challenge it, is when we learn the lesson of what we need to work on. The universe wants you to have an abundant life but, you need to be ready for it. If everything was a straight line with no lessons learned, you will just squander away your abundance instead of appreciating it. It will be fleeting instead of enriching. The red flags are the lessons of what we need. We need to love ourselves to be loved, we need to be secure in our worth to feel worthy, and we need to be confident to have confidence. It is the internal need that needs to be taught that we can do it ourselves without pulling from others. It is not a place of loneliness; it is a place of happiness. You will not be alone if you are ok within. You will radiate joy and your people will be drawn to you. The lessons of the red flags teach us that we still have work to do.

Red flags usually signal work ahead. The red flags in our lives are the pauses of our compromises with our true wants and desires. They are the moments we chose to recognize or ignore. It is the work we have to put in to see what we need to move forward. The universe is showing us the way but, we need to be open to see them, challenge them and learn from them. If we do not we just rinse and repeat until we do slowing down our path forward. When you are ready to see the signs that there is work ahead, go with confidence that you are heading the right way. Do the work on yourself and the red flags will not be ignored, instead you will embrace them as a moment of growth. Your wonderful path to your abundance is knowing that these are heading you there.