Gremlins are the fictional creatures that cause destruction and chaos in machines. Sabotaging something that is good internally and making it not function properly. People have gremlins too. These are the creatures inside of us that cause our destruction of self and create chaos in our worlds. They are the voices in our heads telling us we are not worthy and fill us with self-doubt. They are our internal critics, shouting negativity from inside. These gremlins have snuck into our heads from an early point in our lives. They have a nice home they have constructed inside you. They are so rooted that evicting them is almost impossible. They have learned how to push our internal buttons and love to sabotage all that is good. They cause us chaos in our world. Always saying the opposite of what is the truth. This internal creature loves to live in the chaos. Making us doubt ourselves and keep us from our journey to our abundance. Why did we let this creature in? When we were young, we were bombarded by “you can’t do this” and “you are not this”. The words were meant to protect us from harm of the unknown. Keeping us safe from the word around us. But these were the words that the gremlin snuck in on. They came from the gremlins of the other person. Feeding on a new host. This pattern is repeated from generation to generation. A gremlin from a host reproducing itself into a new young host. Growing and living inside us. It grows telling us we are not as pretty as others, we are not as smart as others, we are not worthy an abundant life. On and on it goes growing and feeding on our self-doubt. It takes over our senses. Our vision is distorted to see what we want to believe. Our hearing is distorted to hear what we want to hear. Our thoughts are distorted to think we are not worthy. The gremlins chaos is in full force. This creature we let in from another has taken over our world. It holds us back from our journey saying, you are not worthy of the great career, the wonderful love, the everlasting happiness, or the abundant life you deserve. Gremlins do not like a perfect world. They feed on the chaos. When something is going wonderful in your world, they start the chaos driven internal talk, of you are not good enough. After it destroys what is working right in your world, it gives you a sense of peace. It tells you, see it was going to fall apart anyway. It saved you from the crash by creating the crash before it happened. This self-preservation of sabotaging our life will never lead us to our abundance. How do we control these gremlins and evict them from our minds? You can fight these creatures of chaos by recognizing the internal critics voices it uses, you can appreciate the good in your world and you can affirm your worth. These tools will help evict the gremlin from you mind so, you can start see that you are on your path to your abundance. The fear that the gremlin creates are not based in reality and they must be let go to embrace your wonderful journey. You do not need the gremlin to protect you anymore. The gremlin lives in the fear of being discovered. Shine a light on the creature and let it know it has no place in your world. Live your life free of the chaos you create.
The gremlin speaks in languages of “I can’t” or “I’m not”. When these voices start a dialog in your mind you need to recognize what they are and challenge their worth. When you have a wonderful relationship with someone, does the voice of they “I am not worthy of this person and they are going to see my flaws, then leave me”. I must end it now so I will not be hurt. This is the gremlin speaking. It is saying you are not worthy and that they must sabotage the relationship to save you from the pain. The creature of the critic is saying it is protecting you but, in reality it is causing chaos. When the language of the gremlin starts, stop! Challenge who is talking and where the dialog is based. Is it reality or fantasy? The gremlin lives in the fear of the unknown so, it creates a future based in a negative fantasy. We really do not know what will happen. If the relationship does come to an end on its own, you must not let the gremlin tell you “I told you so” as well. The “I told you so” only keeps the gremlin with you longer. Understanding the language, it uses when things are positive in your world will help you be present and not let you self-sabotage your world. Chaos is created from those critical voices. Challenge the voices of self-doubt and worth by being present with the good.
Being present with the good things in your world will help displace the gremlin in your mind. Remember the gremlin loves chaos so, when good happens it tries to be disruptive. If you can let things, be that are working well in your life you might see that it is where you are supposed to be. The journey you are on will be filled with twists and turns but, if you can have it flow without our interference, we can move more fluid to our abundance. It is when the gremlins want to create the twists and turns does it head in a direction not meant by the universe. Being in the moment of good without the critic’s voices will have you embracing the path you are on. You can be more in touch with your worth and value because you will be affirming you are good enough for them.
When the gremlin starts to create chaos in your world, you must start your affirmation talk. Telling yourself you are good enough and worthy of being in the good. The gremlin voices are strong within you so, it tries all the tricks it has to hold you in your place. It goes to all the negative places and outcome it can think of to not let you be in a happy place. When it starts to talk when you are in a relationship that is good saying things like, “it’s too good to be true” it is trying to bring the chaos to your world. There is no such thing as too good to be true in your relationship and it looks for the slightest deviation in the other person or it manufactures something that is not based in reality. This is the time you must say, you are worthy of the good. You need to flow with what the relationship brings you. Even if it ends because of something you take what good you could from it. It is the good that drives your life toward your abundance, not the fear of failure. The gremlin feeds on the notion you are not worthy or not enough so, when you counter it with you are it has no power over you. Be ok with whatever will happen and experience the happiness. Your journey is built on the lessons of what makes you happy not the fear of the unknown.
We all have those gremlins inside us that gets triggered when things are too good to be true. It is the self-critic telling us we are not enough or not worthy to be in the happiness. When the gremlin starts their talks of you can’t or your not, let go of the voices and experience the good moment more. Being present instead of in your head with your gremlin will have you understanding the lessons of happiness more. The voices that you counter the gremlin with must be filled with your personal affirmations. You are worthy and enough to be in the good. Let go of the gremlins hold on your life. He came in and set up a home to protect you by the stories no based in reality. He sits there waiting to cause chaos in your world. A world of less of chaos and more self-love is how you can displace them from you mind. You don’t need these creatures anymore and you can experience the wonderful life that you deserve.