Do you have ghosts that haunt you sometimes? I am not talking about the fictional specters that appear to scare in the night to scare you. I am talking about the memories of the past that sit in your mind and remind you of something that hurts. Whether it was something you did wrong or something you should have done or something someone did to you, either way it haunts you. It is that random reminder of that hurt. It comes to us in our dreams, silence or when something reminds us of that hurt. The ghost punishes us for that past event. It calls us to sit in the pain of the past. Why do we get haunted? Well, it is because we did not reconcile with the ghost, and it haunts us until we can lay it to rest. Your ghost needs to heal before it can be released to move on. The past event will not let you go because you have not come to peace in your mind with it. Let say you had a past relationship that ended not the way you intended. You feel like they treated you unfairly and you hold that hurt inside you. There is no answer for why it happened, and you sit there spinning to find them. Years pass and you still are haunted by the why. The answer is you will probably never know. Both people have moved on. So, why do you get haunted by this past. It is because you have not reconciled with it. It takes you letting go of the hurt and coming to peace with the event. The ghost will not let you go until you do. It will haunt you to tell you, you have unfinished business. It does not let you go even when you reconcile with the other person. The only way it will let you go is to face the ghost head on. To exercise the ghost, you will need to address it when it appears, you must come to the understanding that it lives in the past, and then you must let go of the pain. Once you can do this your ghost will leave you. It will be at peace and so will you. You control the ghosts in your mind. It is you that are letting them haunt you. Give up the need to punish yourself. You have already been punished. There is no need for the continued torture. Your life is beyond the self-abuse. Your abundant life is free of the haunting that you put on yourself. Free yourself of your ghosts so that you can embrace what is in front of you and the present. They will only hold your progress from progressing forward to your abundance.

When you get haunted by those past ghosts, where does your mind typically wonder to. Is it reconstructing the events, do you embellish on the events, do you continue to ask why, or do you just sit in the pain? Either of these things or something not listed is just you punishing yourself. Our ghost tries to change what happened, convince us it was not our fault, pass fault to someone else or do you try to run away. It never works, the ghost disappears just to reappear later. It will not let you go until you face it. When the haunting begins take that time to talk rationale with it. You need to leave your emotions at your side. Emotions are what feeds the ghost. You have to have a rationale communication with it to be able to understand it. You need to ask it very specific questions: Why are you here? Why do you haunt me? When you know the answers, you can shine a light more clearly on the reasons it haunts you and how you can release it. Then tell yourself: I forgive myself and I forgive others. These reminders that you cannot change the events, but you can let it go. This rationale talk you have with your ghost will help it be at peace.  It may appear again but it will not have the power to haunt you as much. The more you practice this the more the ghost will be exercised from your mind. Th punishment of the past will not haunt you again.

The ghost lives in the past. The present is when they haunt you to keep you stuck in that moment. Be in the present and realize the past cannot control you now. Holding on to the past does nothing for the now or future. The past is gone and whether you made a mistake, or someone hurt you is over. You lived the moment, and it does not need to be lived again. The present cannot control the past. There is not a magical wand that can be waved to change any events that has passed. You recognize it, in the present moment, for what it is, and you let it go. Reliving the pain of the past will only torture yourself in the present. You have been punished enough. Even if it was your fault, you cannot change anything that has transpired. Take a breath when the haunting begins. Say you forgive yourself or others and tell yourself it is time to move forward. You control the present and you do not need that lesson of the hurt any more. You learned the lesson and now you can move on. You have the choice in the moment to relive the pain or to move from it. The past is not where your abundant life resides so let it go.

The ghost only brings pain. It is asking you if you learned your lesson from the story. If you have then why let the ghost haunt you. The lessons we learn from the pain was in that moment. You do not need to bring into this moment. You can do this with forgiveness. You can forgive yourself and others. Your ego does not want you to do this because the ego and the ghosts are friends. They feed off each other to continue to exist. It is hard to forgive yourself and others. After all you made the mistake, or you were hurt by them. You had your reasons and so did they. Trying to speculate and answer those questions will never produce a result. You did what you did, or they did what they did was probably out of fear or past lessons. You cannot explain those questions with speculations. The only thing you have control over is the present moment and in this moment, you can say “I do not need answers” “I need to heal”. Healing take place with the words “I forgive you”. At that point it is over, and you can let go. It is that easy. It doesn’t take reconciliation, answers, or closure. Closure comes from you, not answers. It is hard to believe we have that much control over our ghosts because they seem like they have so much power over us, but we do. Letting go through forgiveness is the path to ending the haunting or your past.

 The ghosts of the past are trying to make sure we learn our hurtful lessons. They continue to haunt us trying to change things that have passed. Reliving the pain to say do not let this happen again. Over and over, they appear at random moments in our lives. It is time to let them go. The lesson you have been taught through the pain does not need to be relived. Fight the ghost with being rational. They do not like reality because they live in the negative unknown. The what ifs of life. The moment of now does not live in the past. The present is where you can move on to your abundant future by letting go of the roadblock of the ghost. You can let go of the ghost with forgiveness. Answers for you so called closure will never come and all you can control is your part in the future. If you can forgive yourself and others it will set, you free to move beyond the ghosts power over you. You do not need the haunting of your past. It lives to create pain to learn a lesson from the past over and over again. You are your ghostbuster with your proton pack of forgiveness. Go and get rid of those ghosts and stop your continual haunting. Your life is this moment forward so, live it free of the past. Your abundance is waiting in the light of the future free of the past pain.