In times of need we pray or wish that life could change. We ask the universe or a deity for guidance. We wish that we will be provided with an answer or miracle to help us. When we were young we were told to wish upon stars, at birthdays, or other ways to make something unforeseen true. This hope of the wish to come true made us feel lighter from the burdens of the worry of the ungiven. The ungiven of the need that we desperately strived for. This want of something that we think will bring us happiness. We have a strong urge to believe that wishes come true. It is the hope of better lives and things. Somewhere along our journey we started to doubt the power of the wish. Because things did not magically appear when we asked for them. It was the loss of innocence, that magic did not exist. We stopped believing and stopped wishing. But wishes do come true and we can manifest them in our lives. Why it did not work in the past was because we were not open to accept the offering of the universe from our wish. Not all wishes are exactly what you want but, what you need at the time you receive them. I know what you are saying is, that’s not fair but, it is what you need to step forward toward the wish. The wish is heard and granted to what is best for you in the current moment. It is not an instant cloud of smoke and poof, saying here it is. The universe takes its time because if you were to get all you wanted so quickly you would not appreciate it and squander the wish away. It is a process that when you look back you will see that it took time, but the dram of the wish came true. It might not be exactly what you wanted but it is what you needed. A wish needs energy from you as well. This energy is you focusing on how to make it happen. A wish with no push will fade away. The universe is asking for your help to help you. Wishes are dreams of the potential. You can make the potential happen. The universe will guide you with your purpose but, you have to be open to listen and work for it. A lazy wish of like “I wish for a million dollars” will never happen. But if you wish to move your life toward a million dollars by living your purpose you will see it happen. The universe will start to guide you by showing you signs toward that wish. It takes you believing and working toward the wish to manifest it. The wish is the dream of possibilities that are in front of you. It is not that magic doesn’t happen when we wish on things, it is just believing that it will come true and putting energy behind to see its true magical power. To start the magic power in your wishes you need to believe in your wish, you need to start to fuel the wish, and you must believe in you. Wishes can come true if you believe that they will. This type of energy can manifest itself by your own belief. Bring to life your wishes by becoming a partner with the universe.
You wishes are you true desires for your abundant life. Your mind came up with the wish in a moments notice so, it is important deep in your psyche. So, you wish to make your desire happen. This desire is important to you and your mind is telling you to go get it. It does not take a cloud of smoke and a letter to Santa to appear. What happens when we do not get this sudden grant of our wish, is we let go of the power of it. When we have this moment of realized want we must embrace it. We must believe that we can make it happen. If we do not get around the want it will dissipate never to come true. Belief that this is our desire and that it will come true. It is time with focus that will create it. The universe is not Santa to bring you presents because you wanted them but, it listens and guides you to steer you to your wants and dreams. You have to believe in order to see them. During the pandemic I prayed and wish for my purpose to be revealed to me. It was not a poof, here it is, it was a step-by-step sign showing process that has led me to my destination. It was the little things and the twists and turns in the journey that led me here when I was ready for it. I did not give up in the believe of my prayers or wishes. If I did not believe in my wish I would have missed the signs that has led me here. When we can see the signs in the belief of our wish, we can then put positive energy behind the wish to move it closer to us.
The universe needs your help in making wishes come true. Sorry, everything in life that is worth anything takes effort, even a wish. Once you believe that your wish is important to you, it is then time to put motion toward it. This does not mean running forward, it is a step-by-step process that takes time. But time is the ally to the universe and the wish. It prepares us for the abundant life so we can live in its splendor and appreciate it. Take a small achievable step toward how you think you should proceed and watch what happens. Even if it is a wrong step the universe starts to guide you toward the right direction. In my time through the year of the pandemic, I kept taking steps forward toward my purpose to help others. Not everyone was the right path and I got discouraged but, I did not step backwards, and I believed that my wish was in front of me. Now that I am here, I can look back and see I needed those steps to get me here. The place where I am supposed to be. If I did not put fuel behind the wish it would not have happened and I would have spiraled back to a life in a career that I hated. I had people tell me I needed to go back but, I never stopped believe in the journey of my wish or myself to make it happen.
You are your own Santa. You can grant your own wishes. It takes believing in your power to make it happen. You have the power to grant your miracles. It takes understanding your worth and your superpower. You made the wish to something that you can achieve, you just have to have faith that you can do it. Take the time to take a small step and achieve those small victories so that it helps you build your confidence to your next step. It is this methodical way that you will move forward toward the wish. Have faith that the universe has your back and believes in your power. The signs will appear and your confidence will grow. You have to believe that you can make it happen. Without belief in yourself you will give up way too early before you reach your wish. It is their when you are ready and have your own power to make it happen. Watch how things fall into place. It is truly a miracle when you believe in your own power. Wishes can come true when you believe.
When you wish you set yourself up for your abundant life. Without a dream of a wish we do not have direction. The wish is your conscious telling you what you want without even thinking about it. You have to believe that the wish is your direction. Once you do the universe starts to guide you toward it but, it needs your help to push it forward. Taking those much-needed steps, one by one, will let the universe show you the way. The universe believes in you so why not believe in yourself. By combining the want, the will and the belief you can make wishes come true. Do not get discouraged if you headed in the wrong direction, the universe will steer you back. It is not a poof here it is, it is part of the journey and we need to be open to making it happen. So, when you are writing that letter to Santa, let him know you are on it. You will help fulfill your dreams wish and watch the miracles roll in. Believe in you and your wishes, they are the inspirations of your abundant life.