In this time of giving, we look to give our gifts to the people in our lives. We think and plan to give the perfect gift. So, what is the gift you give to yourself? What are the gifts that you bring to yourself and the world? Yes, you have something you bring to the world that only you can give. It is your gift. It is your unique self that you share that makes you special. It is in you and even if you cannot think of it in this moment, you bring it everyday of your life. It is that unknown talent that make you special. You have it and you need to share it openly without reservation. In our lives we think we are not special, and we need to hide in the background not letting the light shine us to bring attention to who we are. Sitting in the middle of the class not to stand out. We say we are shy but, it is fear of being seen which hides our talents. The fear of failure or ridicule. We hide our gifts because we think it might bring attention on us. No slipping up if you slip away. You were given this gift to share not to hide. The universe is telling you that this is where your abundance lies. It is sharing that gift that will bring you endless happiness. Why do we want to hide it if it is what we are supposed to do? It is because we have been taught to be small. To not bring attention to ourselves because being in the spotlight will only show our imperfections. The fact is, is that the opposite is true. The people that would judge the imperfections are the people who have fear of their own. The judgement we face is our own. We need to embrace our gifts and say this is me. It is what our world needs from us. Your special gift that makes you, you. It is the imperfections and your gift that make you beautiful and unique. It is those wonderful traits that is your gift. To understand the power of our gift we must first understand what our gift is, we must nurture our gift and lastly, we must share our gift to our world. Your gift is that perfect present that has been inside of you for your whole life. We try to ignore it and push it down because we do not what to be seen but, you have to be seen for you by embracing your gift. Share it with the world and watch as your abundance comes closer to you. You become you in your journey and you are fulfilled by giving your unique self to the world.

What is your gift? You probably think you have no idea. You do. It has been in you since a child. Do you make people smile? Do you want to give? Do you have patience? Are you a great listener? Are you able to connect with others? Do you believe in the power of others? What makes you, you is in your being. It just is. It does not have to be forced or manufactured. It happens naturally. Take time to look into the internal mirror to recognize what you offer. It does not have to be this huge thing. It can be as small as a sharing a smile. It matters and it is your gift. Listen to others tell you what it is as well but be careful that it does not have their biases in it. When someone tells you your gift and your soul connects with it, there it is. If you think the others know your gift better than you, than it is not. Your gift is yours and perceptions can be distorted in others minds by their filters. Listen to what connects with you. If someone says you are such a positive person and your soul smiles, you know that is it. It is a positive force in your soul, not a negative one that is your gift as well. It is to bring your world up not down. The positive momentum of your gift will fuel you to your abundant life. Dig deep, you know what it is. It has been with you since you were born. That undeniable special characteristic that you have.

Love your gift and embrace it. You have to own your gift. When you can love your gift, you start to love and appreciate yourself. You are worthy of this special talent. No matter what anyone has told you in your past. Don’t stand out, don’t do that thing you do, don’t be you, these are the statements to hold you to their expectations of you. It does not represent you or your gift. Be you, that’s al you have to do. Recognize your gift and share it with your world. It is that easy. When the voices of the “don’t” come in you should challenge who is talking and then embrace your unique self. That way you can turn the voices around to your gift. Be able to embrace yourself will build your worth. You gift is your self-worth shinning through. The gift you have is meant to be shared with the world. It is not just for the chosen people you trust will receive it well.

Hiding your gift is your way of protecting yourself from the outside world. Making yourself small and blending in because when the spotlight is on you the imperfections will show. Why do you think you need to be perfect? No one is and perfection is different in everyone’s eyes. You are unique not imperfect. The world needs to see you and receive your gift for you to be able to move toward your abundance. Afterall it is you. The voices of be normal, be quiet, or be a good girl or boy has you hiding behind a one-way mirror. You can see out, but they cannot see you. If the light shines on you and your imperfections are revealed show them to the world. Those are your gifts that need to be shared. Even if someone does not connect with who you are it is ok because you have your own worth to rely on. Know that the universe gave you this gift and the right people will connect with you. These are the people who will support your journey forward. You and they will lift you up. So, step out into the sun, you will not get burned, you will however live your life unencumbered by fear of self. Share your special gift with your world and be prepared to live your abundant life.

The gift you give to your world is just yourself. It is not pretending to be someone else or be someone you are told to be. That someone has imperfections as we all do. But it is the imperfections that make us unique. They are your gift. The special thing you bring to the world. It is the self-worth of understanding you are you. Be a part of a new world with letting your gift shine in the light. Hiding from your gift is hiding from your true self. You have had it since you were born. It is that one thing that makes your world better. It is generated by you. It is a natural component of your DNA. I happier abundant life is living in the spotlight with your gift in full display. You know what feeds your soul that brings your unique self forward. Share that gift with your world and watch how your world shifts to one of abundance.