When we are children, we are told about the magic of the holidays. We dream of magical things to have our dreams of toys to become reality. We believe because of our innocence and hope of the things we want. When we get older, we lose our belief in the magic of the innocence. Doubt clouds our minds to say things are not possible. The magic fades and reality become an existence of getting by. The hope is lost, and our self-worth is damaged. We find it hard to believe that we can change things or make things happen but, in reality we can. It is the believe itself that helps move us toward the things we want. We lose the will to believe because of the loss of the innocence. It is the belief that can propel us into anything we want. So, many people chose not to believe because we are told it is not worth it or the perceived struggle we will have. The thought of believing in something that will not happen. This predetermined failure will not let you even start. It becomes a foolish notion in our minds, and we give up way too early. Believing in something does not mean you go back to being a child, believing in what everyone tells you. In fact, the opposite is true. It is believing in yourself and what you can do. If you believe in something you are putting energy behind it. This energy builds your self-worth and confidence of what you are capable of. Believing in something you want can help you manifest it. If you do not believe, you wont even try and stay where you are. Believing is the trust we have in ourselves and the universe that good things will happen to us. Far too many times we believe the contrary, that if we trust ourselves, we will fail. Failure is in the lack of believe. Believing takes knowing what you want, having trust that you will not fail, when obstacles happen you do not waiver in your faith, and believing in yourself. These are the powerful tools that will give you the strength to have hope for your abundant life. It is the belief that you can make it happen and it will happen. It is easier said than done because of the failures in our lives but that failures where not the ends they were the new beginnings. Believe and don’t waiver, then see your abundant life come into view.

Taking the clouds of others voices away, what do you want in your life? So, many times we are torn about what we truly want in our lives, and this distorts what we want to believe in. We get wrapped up in what others think is best for us and we chose to believe in their future plans for us. Of course, it fails because it is not what we want, and we stop believing in our power to make things happen. If we can turn off the voices of others and focus on what we truly want, we can start believing in our own vision. We will be more capable to put energy behind it because it comes from our soul. Believe comes from knowing what you want, not what others want for you. Taking some time to explore what you truly want will help fuel your beliefs that you can make them happen. Once you know what you want, and you have trust in your belief you will not fail.

Believing is knowing that you will not fail. We need to lean on our worth in times of struggle. The worthiness that we are capable to overcome all that is in front of us. Believing in you power leaves no room for failure. Sure, you may have struggles toward your vision but, the faith of your resilience will hold you steady. Fear of failure is the main stoppage on our faith but, if we can understand that we believe that we can have the outcome we desire we can circumvent the perceived failure. Trusting in our conviction and believing in ourselves will not let failure come in. It took the many scientists that discovered great things to have faith they were on the right path. The obstacles that occurred along the way were not saying give up. They were the turns in the path but, by believing in the path without fear of failure was how thy persevered. Believing is your self-worth screaming at you that you are better than you give yourself credit. Embrace your worth by believing and trusting in yourself. 

Trust in your beliefs means having faith that no matter what happens you are heading toward what you want in life. There will be roadblocks and detours but, no stoppage on your journey if you believe. Stoppage in your belief comes from the lack of trust that it is attainable. We get to a point when we are challenged and we give up saying things like, it was not meant to be. These points in your path to your future are just tests of the strength in your belief. They are not flashing signs saying turn around. Your faith and belief in your power will push you to your abundant life.

Believing in yourself first will power whatever you want in life. It is the backbone of how we move forward toward our abundant life. If you lack this belief, you will never venture beyond the known into the unknown. The unknown is where all the splendors in life are. Turn off the voices of the doubt that has been built in you by past failures or others. They do not serve the present moment you. Believing in your worth, your ability and who you can become is the power to move mountains in your world. It is not letting the past or dark voices control you. When you believe you have no room for fear and doubt. Start by trusting you know what’s best for you. When you were young you needed direction, you do not need it now. Stand and look at your wonderful self in the mirror and say I believe in you. Shift the momentum forward for your abundant life.

Believing in the magic you can create is the belief in your self-worth. Your innocent self has grown but you still have to believe. It is this faith and trust in yourself that will propel you to what you want in your life. It is not telling you; you have to dream a certain way. It is telling you to dream your way and that those dreams are obtainable. It is the belief in your power that will put the energy behind what you want. There will be obstacles in the way on your journey, but they are not the turnaround signs. They are the redirections in your path. Your past failures and dark voices have no bearing on your current beliefs. Believe your way and your magic. It is the season of giving so, give yourself the gift of belief in yourself. It is the gift that keeps giving to you and your worth. Your abundant life takes you believing in it. So, go and believe it can happen.