Hope is the one thing that we should always have and the easiest to throw away. Hope should always be present in our world, even in times of hardship. Even when all is lost. It is the one beacon that says we will be ok and that their will be a brighter tomorrow. We lose hope so easily because we need to see that immediate proof that it will turn in our favor. But we do not need proof that things will get better. Without hope we cannot see the shift to things getting better. There is no guarantee of a brighter tomorrow but, hope is the belief that there will be. Losing the belief is giving up on your abundant life. The road we travel is never without tears or sadness. It is in these moments we must believe that we are on the right path. This test in faith is the fuel forward. If you fail to have hope, then you turn around and head back to where you started only to face the hardship again and again. The journey is lost and so is your abundant life. Hope is listening to your guiding spirit. It is your inner voice that tells you, it will all be ok. If you do not listen, then it is inevitable that you will be lost in the sadness and tears. Hope is knowing it will get better evidentially. Things do happen for a reason. We have to understand that it is not a reason of punishment. You may even search through your past to see why you are being punished. It is the lesson and not a punishment. It might be a lesson to be a lesson you must learn, or it might even be not your lesson at all. It might be that the other person has to learn their lesson, and you just may be involved. Either way it is knowing that this moment will pass and that the future will be brighter than today. It is having that hope that it will happen that will make it happen. If you do not believe than there is no energy or sight for it to happen. You will not move forward and even if there is good around you, you will not see it. Hope gives you the vision to see possibilities in your world. The one seed of that faith is enough to help your mind know that all is not lost. When life is derailed and you see no way out, reach for hope to see you through. To have this faith you will need to understand the meaning of the lesson, that this is just a moment in your journey, and to trust your journey. It is hard to hold on when all is lost but, with hope as a direction we can persevere and move toward our abundant life.

What can I learn from what has just happened to me? This is a very powerful question to ask yourself. In the moment of tragedy, it is so, hard to think of anything but, the hurt. Feel the hurt and when you have a moment of clarity ask the question. Take out searching for answers or blame. These are how we believe we have to cope. When we do this, we are looking for an immediate proof so, we can hope. What we need is clarity and understanding of our part. What does the universe want me to learn? By doing this we can focus on what we can do for our journey instead of looking for the proof or answer. The event that just took place might not have been a lesson for you at all. In life we are intertwined in the journeys of people we interact with. If something has happened and you were apart it might have been more for the others journey. A death is a good example of that. Deaths affect not only the person who dies but, also people around it. It might have been the persons journey that needed to come to an end to move another’s forward or it might have just been their journeys end. Either way there is no lesson for you in the story. These are the moments we need to search for an understanding of the lesson itself. When we can see the lesson, we can have hope that we will learn, and the future will be more defined for us. Ignoring the lesson and looking for that immediate proof will only have us repeating the same process again and again. The moment we are in must be looked at and let go so, we can move our journeys forward. When we allow hope to stay in the moment instead of rushing out, we can see that life will be better.

This moment now shall pass. Having hope in this moment will help propel it forward. Things happen and not all are pleasant experiences but, it is how we experience them is how it affects our journey forward. We can hang on to the sadness, pity or hurt and give up all hope for what is in front of us in this moment. So, this moment is huge to our journeys. It is the decisions we make that will impact our stories. It will pass quickly and sometimes you will make the wrong decisions. This is when we must rely on hope and adopt short term memory. The hope is that this moments lesson will be learned, and that life will proceed upward or in our wrong choices we forgive ourselves, learn that lesson and move forward quickly. The theme of the moment is that it passes quickly, and we must move on quickly. Holding in the moment will not serve us once it passes. It is done and cannot be reversed. It is what we take from that moment with us that can either help us or destroy us. Alleviate the affect on our progress by using hope of a better tomorrow or letting go. These are powerful tools to help us navigate our journey to our abundant life. These tools for hope are based in our trust that we will be moving toward our purposeful life.

When hope is lost, we must trust our journey and retore hope in our future self. Trusting that no matter what is happening is supposed to. Even if it is not our journey, it has to take place to move our stories forward. Trust in ourselves and the universe that we will be guided toward our purpose. Because living our purpose is our purpose toward our abundant life. Without trust there can be no hope. We will just give up thinking we are stuck in the moment. Trust is the base and hope is the springboard from the moment. It is like looking through a spyglass and seeing the future with clear vision. It will help you know that tomorrow will be better than ok. With trust in your abilities and the universes guidance will have you moving toward the clearer vision. Hope is the catalyst to getting you through the dark moments.

Hope is a realizing wish for you in a moment of darkness. It can help you see that there is more for you on your journey. Without hope we will just spin in the moment and be stuck. Within the moment hope is realized in understanding the lesson whether it is yours or others. It is seeing the moment as just that, a moment. It will pass quickly, and we must either have hope or short-term memory. When the moment is happening, we must also have trust in ourselves and the guidance of the universe that we are heading in the right direction of our journey forward. Hope is relying on you to see you through. It is what gives us the reason to continue. Giving up on hope will only have you stuck spinning in circles looking for answers that will never come. Do not give up on hope because you need it for your abundant life. Hope is the dream for your wonderful future.